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All Perennials

Perennials is a term that describes what many gardeners and homeowners strive for, which is a plant that comes back every spring. There are perennial plants that can meet just about every need a landscape has. Perennials range from low growing plants to tall growing plants, from those that produce colorful flowers to those that provide visual pleasure with glowing seed heads, such as those exhibited by some ornamental grasses. Perennial gardens need to be planted only once. The perennial garden can contain plants that flower, plants with colorful leaves and foliage, and low growing ground covers for that especially shady spot.

Perennials tend to die back to the ground each winter. Perennial plants generally have fewer major problems than annuals and are sustainable with lower care and maintenance needs. Blooming perennials tend to average about 3 weeks of bloom time so choosing plants with attractive structure and foliage and flowers will enhance your landscape for years to come. We offer an extensive list of perennials for various needs below.

Items listed below subject to stock availability.

Here are images with links below to our most popular annuals.

Items listed below subject to stock availability.

Full Perennials List

2024 - Item NameCommon NameVarietySize Pot
AgastacheHyssop, AniseBlue Boa4.5 Quart
AgastacheHyssop, AniseMorello4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
AlliumOrnamental OnionMillenium4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
AmsoniaBlue StarStarstruckBlue Gal -SOLD OUT
AquilegiaColumbineKirigami Mix4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
AquilegiaColumbineSwan Mix4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
AsclepiasButterfly Milkweed, Native PlantButterfly Flower (Orange)4.5 Quart
AsclepiasSwamp Milkweed, Native PlantCinderella incarnataSOLD OUT
AsclepiasSwamp Milkweed, Native PlantIce Ballet incarnata4.5 Quart
AsclepiasSwamp Milkweed, Native PlantSoulmateSOLD OUT
AstilbeFalse SpireaDeutschland (white)6 SQ - SOLD OUT
AstilbeFalse SpireaFanal (red)6 SQ - SOLD OUT
AstilbeFalse SpireaMaggie Daley (pink)SOLD OUT
BaptisiaFalse IndigoPlum RosyLrg Cont - 2 LEFT
BellisEnglish DaisyPomponette MixSOLD OUT
BrunneraBuglossJack FrostSOLD OUT 5/10
BrunneraBuglossVariegataBlue Gal - SOLD OUT
BuddleiaButterfly BushMonarch Glass SlippersSOLD OUT
BuddleiaButterfly BushMonarch Prince CharmingBlue Gal - SOLD OUT
CampanulaBellflowerClips Deep Blue4.5 Quart
ClematisClematisCandy Stripe (two-toned lavender & pink)Trell Gal - SOLD OUT
ClematisClematisCardinal Wyszynski (crimson red)Trell Gal - SOLD OUT
ClematisClematisCharmaine (double red)Trell Gal - SOLD OUT
ClematisClematisComtesse De Bouchaud (pink)Trell Gal - SOLD OUT
ClematisClematisDiamantina (double blue)Trell Gal - SOLD OUT
ClematisClematisHuldine (white)Trell Gal - SOLD OUT
ClematisClematisJackmanii (purple)Trell Gal - SOLD OUT
ClematisClematisJackmanii Superba (purple)Trell Gal - SOLD OUT
ClematisClematisKilian Donahue (two-toned fuschia & orchid)Trell Gal - SOLD OUT
ClematisClematisPerrins Pride (deep purple)Trell Gal - SOLD OUT
ClematisClematisRamona (lavender-blue)Trell Gal - SOLD OUT
ClematisClematisRhapsody (rich blue)Trell Gal - SOLD OUT
ClematisClematisRosalie (deep two-toned rose)Trell Gal - SOLD OUT
ClematisClematisSamaritan Jo (silvery-pink, edged purple)Trell Gal - SOLD OUT
ClematisClematisSapphire Indigo Trell Gal - SOLD OUT
ClematisClematisSunset (velvet red)Trell Gal - SOLD OUT
ClematisClematisThe President (purple)Trell Gal
ClematisClematis Sweet Autumnpaniculata Sweet Autumn (white)Trell Gal - SOLD OUT
CoreopsisTickseedDouble the Sun grandiflora4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
CoreopsisTickseedLightening Bug4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
CoreopsisTickseedSunkiss grandiflora4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
DelphiniumDelphinium, LarkspurGuardian Mix4.5 Quart
DelphiniumDelphinium, LarkspurMagic Fountain Mid Blue w/White BeeSOLD OUT 5/17/24
DianthusCarnationGrenadin Hardy Triumph Mix4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
DianthusPinksConstant Promise Strawberry4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
DianthusPinksFirewitch gratianopolitanus4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
DianthusPinksRed Beauty gratianopolitanus4.5 Quart
DianthusPinks, Sweet WilliamsIndian Carpet Mix barbatus4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
DianthusPinks, Sweet WilliamsPinocchio barbatus4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
Dicentra spectabilisBleeding Heart(pink)Blue Gal - SOLD OUT
Dicentra spectabilisBleeding HeartAlba (white)SOLD OUT 5/12/24
DigitalisFoxgloveDalmation PurpleSOLD OUT 5/17/24
EchinaceaConeflowerGreen Twister4.5 Quart TC
EchinaceaConeflowerPow Wow White4.5 Quart
EchinaceaConeflowerPow Wow Wild BerrySOLD OUT 5/17/24
EchinaceaConeflowerPurple4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
EchinaceaConeflowerSombrero Lemon Yellow4.5 Quart TC
EchinaceaConeflowerSombrero Salsa Red4.5 Quart TC - SOLD OUT
Fern - AthyriumJapanese PaintedLady in RedBlue Gal - SOLD OUT
Fern - AthyriumJapanese PaintedPictumBlue Gal
Fern - DryopterisAutumn FernBrillianceBlue Gal - SOLD OUT
Fern - MatteucciaOstrich FernStrutheropterisBlue Gal
GaillardiaBlanket FlowerArizona Apricot Shades4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
GaillardiaBlanket FlowerArizona Red Shades4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
GaillardiaBlanket FlowerArizona Sun4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
GeraniumCranesbillVision Violet6 SQ
Grass-CalamagrostisFeather Reed GrassKarl Foerster (5 ft H) SOLD OUT 5/14/24
HemerocallisDaylily (Repeat Bloomer)Bright SunsetBlue Gal - SOLD OUT
HemerocallisDaylily (Repeat Bloomer)Purple D'OroBlue Gal
HemerocallisDaylily (Repeat Bloomer)Stella de OroBlue Gal
HeucheraCoral BellsForever Purple6 SQ - SOLD OUT
HeucheraCoral BellsLime Marmalade6 SQ
HeucheraCoral BellsNorthern Exposure Amber6 SQ - SOLD OUT
HeucheraCoral BellsObsidian6 SQ - SOLD OUT
Hollyhock AlceaHollyhockCrème De Cassis (double)4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
Hollyhock AlceaHollyhockIndian Spring (single)4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
Honeysuckle/LoniceraHoneysuckleDropmore ScarletTrell Gal - SOLD OUT
Honeysuckle/LoniceraHoneysuckleMajor WheelerSOLD OUT 5/10
HostaHosta, Plantain LilyEarth AngelBlue Gal
HostaHosta, Plantain LilyLibertyBlue Gal - SOLD OUT
HostaHosta, Plantain LilyPatriotBlue Gal
IrisSiberian IrisRuffled VelvetBlue Gal - SOLD OUT
LobeliaCardinal FlowerGreen cardinalis4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
LamiumLamiumBeacon Silver maculatum (Pink)4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
LavendulaLavenderLavance Purple DeepSOLD OUT 5/14/24
LavendulaLavenderMunsteadSOLD OUT 5/16/24
LeucanthemumShasta DaisyAlaska superbum4.5 Quart
LeucanthemumShasta DaisyCrazy Daisy4.5 Quart
LeucanthemumShasta DaisySilver Princess4.5 Quart
LewisiaCliff MaidsElise Mix4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
LiatrisGay Feather, Blazing StarBlue spicata 6 SQ - SOLD OUT
LilliumAsiaticMatrix GoldenBlue Gal
LilliumAsiaticMatrix OrangeBlue Gal - SOLD OUT
LilliumAsiaticNavona (white)Blue Gal
LilliumOrientalStargazerBlue Gal - SOLD OUT
LobeliaLobeliaGreen Native4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
LupinusLupineGallery Blue4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
LupinusLupineGallery Mini Mix4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
LupinusLupineGallery Mix Extra4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
LupinusLupineGallery RedSOLD OUT 5/16/24
LupinusLupineGallery Yellow4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
MonardaBee BalmBalmy LilacSOLD OUT 5/19/24
MonardaBee BalmGardenview ScarletSOLD OUT 5/14/24
MonardaBee BalmGrand Mum didymaSOLD OUT 5/19/24
PachysandraJapanese Spurgeterminalis4.5 Quart
PaeoniaPeonyFestiva MaximaContainer - SOLD OUT
PaeoniaPeonyKansasContainer - SOLD OUT
PapaverPoppy IcelandWonderland Mix4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
PapaverPoppy OrientalOrange Scarlet4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
PerovskiaRussian SageBlue Jean Baby4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
Phlox paniculataGarden PhloxCherry Cream paniculata4.5 Quart
Phlox paniculataGarden PhloxDavid paniculata4.5 Quart
Phlox paniculataGarden PhloxLaura paniculata4.5 Quart
Phlox paniculataPhlox WoodlandBlue Moon divaricata4.5 Quart
Phlox subulataCreeping PhloxBlue Emerald4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
Phlox subulataCreeping PhloxCandy Stripe (bicolor)4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
Phlox subulataCreeping PhloxDrummons Pink4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
Phlox subulataCreeping PhloxViolet Pinwheels4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
PlatycodonBalloon FlowerMariesii Blue4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
PolemoniumJacob's LadderHeavenly Habit6 SQ
PrimulaPrimroseSupernova Mix4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
PulmonariaLungwort, Bethlehem SagePretty in PinkSOLD OUT 5/12
PulmonariaLungwort, Bethlehem SageTwinkle ToesSOLD OUT 5/10
Rudbeckia fulgidaBlack-eyed SusanGoldstrum4.5 Quart
Rudbeckia trilobaBlack-eyed SusanBlackjack Gold4.5 Quart
Rudbeckia trilobaBlack-eyed SusanPrairie Glow4.5 Quart
SaginaIrish MossPearlwort subulata (deep green)4.5 Quart
SaginaScotch Mossaurea (lime green)4.5 Quart
Salvia nemorosaMeadow SageNew Dimension Blue4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
Salvia nemorosaMeadow SageNew Dimension RoseSOLD OUT 5/10/24
ScabiosaPincushion FlowerButterfly Blue4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
SedumSedum UprightAutumn FireBlue Gal
SedumSedum UprightAutumn JoyBlue Gal - SOLD OUT
SedumSedum UprightNight EmbersBlue Gal
SedumStonecropSunsparkler Firecracker4.5 Quart
SedumStonecropSunsparkler Lime Zinger4.5 Quart
SempervivumHens and ChicksMix4.5 Quart
ThymusCreeping ThymePink Chintz serpyllum4.5 Quart
ThymusCreeping ThymeRed Creeping coccineus4.5 Quart
ThymusCreeping ThymeWoolly pseudolanugin4.5 Quart
TrolliusGlobe FlowerGolden Queen4.5 Quart
VeronicaSpeedwellPerfectly Picasso4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
VeronicaSpeedwellRoyal Candles4.5 Quart - SOLD OUT
VincaVinca, PeriwinkleBowles minorSOLD OUT 5/10